7.2 UTILITY COMMANDS220 Installation Manual7.2.20 Wait for Caller ID (WCID)Use the WCID command to specify the length of time (in seconds) the VPS must wait for theCaller ID after the VPS has received the incoming call from the PBX.If Caller ID is not needed at all, set the waiting time to "0" to accelerate the VPS response toincoming calls.Type WCID, then Press RETURN.7.2.21 Turn off System/User Prompt (TURN)Use the TURN command to turn off specific System/User prompts, or to display the numbersof the currently turned-off prompts.Type TURN, Press Space, Enter the prompt type (0: System Prompts, 1: User 1 Prompts,2: User 2 Prompts), Type a comma, and Enter the prompt number you want to turn off. ThenPress RETURN.Sample display:NoteYou can turn on the prompts which have been previously turned off using the procedureabove.Type TURN, then Press RETURN. The numbers of the currently turned-off prompts will bedisplayed.$ WCIDWAIT TIME FOR CALLER ID (5 sec) [0-60 sec] : = 0$$ TURN 0,100System Prompt No.100 has been changed from 'Turn ON' to 'Turn OFF'*****************************Turned off Prompt No.*****************************System Prompt100User1 PromptNoneUser2 PromptNone$**