7.2 UTILITY COMMANDS210 Installation Manual7.2.7 Saving the System Data to the Backup Device (SAVE)All system programming data and voice prompts (8 functional areas) can be saved in separatedata files. To save this data, connect a data terminal to the RS-232C port of the VPS. Savethe files individually. Execute the SAVE command for each data file. It will require severalminutes to execute this command for all the data selected. When performing this operation,always wait until the process completion indication appears.WARNINGNever save (back-up) and upload the "Program" without PanasonicTechnical support.The memory required to save each data component is indicated below.Saving items 4-8 below will depend upon the length of the recorded messages.4. User Prompts-15. User Prompts-26. Custom Service Menus (Custom service recordings)7. Personal Greetings (Subscriber greetings)8. Company GreetingsTable 7-4 Error and Warning Indications During System OperationIndication MeaningDISK STORAGE SPACE IS NOWEXCEEDING80%...80 % or more of the HDD voice messagesave area is used.ASCII TERMINAL program Load Error Error loading of ASCII terminal controlprogram.VT100 program Load Error Error loading of VT100 control program.1. Program—approximately 2 Mbytes (See Warning above)2. Parameters—approximately 4.4 Mbyte (System Configuration)3. System Prompts—approximately 23 Mbytes (Do not save—prompts aresaved as defaults in the drive)