1.3 SYSTEM BASICSInstallation Manual 271.3.3 Which Phone Systems are Compatible?We recommend integration with the following Panasonic phone systems:• Panasonic KX-TD500• Panasonic KX-TD1232• Panasonic KX-TA1232• Panasonic KX-TD816• Panasonic KX-TDA series• Panasonic KX-TAW series• Panasonic KX-TA624• Panasonic KX-TD308We cannot guarantee adequate integration of the VPS with other PBX systems or withKey Systems. If the customer does not have a recommended Panasonic PBX system,be sure that the system has the features listed below.The PBX should have the following features for successful integration:• Single line (tip/ring) port circuits (Some PBXs need an OPX card to provide thisconnection.)• Station to station touchtone signaling• Message Waiting Notification from an SLT (single-line telephone)• Screened transfer from an SLT• Message Waiting Notification on proprietary (multi-line) sets (message waiting lampaccessed by dialing on/off codes)If the PBX does not have these features, VPS operation will be limited.See 3.1.4 PBX Requirements for Integration. You will find the following information about eachfeature listed:• Description• Limitations of the system without the feature• Tests to determine whether the PBX has the featureVOICE MAILThe recommended Panasonic PBX systems have Follow-on ID and Inband Integration. Whencallers are transferred to an extension that is forwarded to Voice Mail, Follow-on ID sendscallers directly to the mailbox. Without Follow-on ID, the caller would have to re-enter themailbox number when connected to Voice Mail.Touchtone Integration enables the VPS to recognize the current state of the call and improveits call handling performance. When enabled, the PBX informs the VPS of the status of the call(busy, answered, ringing, etc.) by sending a code with touchtones before sending the normalcall progress tones. For example, when a caller hangs up before making a selection, the PBXsends # 9 to the VPS port that answered. This informs the VPS that the caller has hung up.Upon receiving these digits, the VPS goes on-hook and is ready to handle another call.DPT Integration is available when the VPS is connected to a Panasonic KX-TD/KX-TDA/KX-TAW series or KX-TA1232 PBX (depending on the software version). This DPT Integrationprovides the VPS with more information than Touchtone Integration. This information enablesthe system to identify the extension number of the caller, know where from and why the call is