NoteRotary absolute encodersIf the plausibility check is to be used for a rotary absolute encoder, the SINAMICS parameterp0979 must be taken into account when setting the modulo range (MD34220$MA_ENC_ABS_TURNS_MODULO).NoteUpgrading the NCK softwareIf the plausibility check is activated in absolute encoders (MD36310 > 0), the existing MD36310settings must be checked and, if necessary, increased during an upgrade of the NCK software.Zero mark diagnosticsWith absolute encoders, the permissible deviation must be determined for the plausibility checkduring commissioning. This can be performed via the machine data:MD36312 $MA_ENC_ABS_ZEROMON_WARNING (zero-mark monitoring warning threshold)Value Meaning0 No zero mark diagnostics> 0 Permissible deviation in 1/2 coarse increments between the absolute and the incrementalencoder trackProcedure when commissioning the system:1. Deactivate zero-mark monitoring:MD36310 $MA_ENC_ZERO_MONITORING = 02. Activate zero-mark diagnostics:MD36312 $MA_ENC_ABS_ZEROMON_WARNING = 13. Move axis and monitor system variable $VA_ENC_ZERO_MON_ERR_CNT (number ofdetected limit value violations).4. If $VA_ENC_ZERO_MON_ERR_CNT ≠ 0:Increase MD36312 value and repeat step 3.5. If $VA_ENC_ZERO_MON_ERR_CNT = 0 (over a longer period of time!):The correct value for MD36310 is located! Apply the value from MD36312 to MD36310 andthen set MD36312 to "0".NoteDepending on the rigidity of the machine (minimal load masses / moments of inertia areoptimum) and the controller settings, the control play "oscillates" with varying degrees ofintensity. Account must be taken of this by entering machine-specific limit values in MD36310.A3: Axis Monitoring, Protection Zones3.2 Axis monitoring functionsBasic FunctionsFunction Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2 99