REPOS acknowledgement signalsThe following NC/PLC interface signals can be used to acknowledge from the NC, functionsthat control the REPOS response via PLC:● DB21, ... DBX319.0 (REPOSMODEEDGEACKN) channel-specific● DB21, ... DBX319.1-319.3 (Repos Path Mode Ackn0 to 2) channel-specific● DB21, ... DBX319.5 (Repos DEFERRAL Chan) channel-specific● DB31, ... DBX70.0 (Repos offset) axis/spindle● DB31, ... DBX70.1 (Repos offset valid) axis/spindle● DB31, ... DBX70.2 (Repos Delay Ackn) axis/spindle● DB31, ... DBX76.4 (path axis) axis/spindleFor further information, see "REPOS offset in the interface"REPOS acknowledgement operationsWith the channel-specific NC/PLC interface signal:DB21, ... DBX319.0 (REPOSMODEEDGEACKN)a "handshake" is established by the interface signal:DB21, ... DBX31.4 (REPOSMODEEDGE)which is recognized by the NC and acknowledged with DB21, ... DBX319.0 to the PLC.NoteIf the NC has not yet acknowledged interface signal:DB21, ... DBX31.4 (REPOSMODEEDGE)with interface signal:DB21, ... DBX319.0 (REPOSMODEEDGE)a RESET in this situation causes the program to abort, and the REPOS that is to be used tocontrol the REPOSPATHMODE is not executed.A REPOSMODE issued from the PLC is acknowledged by the NC using the following interfacesignals:● DB21, ... DBX319.1-319.3 (Repos Path Mode Ackn)● DB31, ... DBX10.0 (Repos Delay)● DB31, ... DBX70.2 (Repos Delay Ackn)ExampleA part program is stopped at N20 (→ time (2) in figure). The NCK stops according to the brakingramp. After the PLC has specified the REPOSPATHMODE, the NCK accepts theREPOSPATHMODE with the 0/1 edge of REPOSMODEEDGE at → Time (3). Repos PathMode Ackn remains set until the ASUB is initiated (→ Time (4)). The REPOS command isstarted in the ASUB (→ Time (5)). The ASUB RESET block is activated again (→ Time (6)):K1: Mode group, channel, program operation, reset response9.8 Block search Type 5 (SERUPRO)Basic Functions502 Function Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2