Programming CommentN1180 DELAYFSTOF ; End of stop delay areaN1190 COUPON(_CA,_LA) ; Close the synchronous spindle couplingN1200 ENDIF...N9999 RET9.17.3.6 Example: Spindle positioningIn the subprogram, only the replacement of commands SPOS and SPOSA is explicitly executed.Additional replacements should be supplemented in essentially the same fashion.ParameterizationMachine data MeaningMD30465 $MA_AXIS_LANG_SUB_MASK[AX5] ='H0002'Replace positioning commandsMD22080 $MC_AUXFU_PREDEF_SPEC[9] = 'H0021' Output of M19 to the PLC before mo‐tionSetting Data MeaningSD43240 $SA_M19_SPOS[AX5] = 260 Spindle position for M19 = 260SD43250 $SA_M19_SPOSMODE[AX5] = 4 Position approach mode for M19:"Approach in the positive direction(ACP)"Main programProgramming CommentPROC MAIN...N210 COUPON(S2,S1) ; Activate synchronous spindle couplingN220 SPOS[1]=100 ; Position leading spindle with SPOS...N310 G01 F1000 X100 M19 ; Position leading spindle with M19Replacement subprogram "LANG_SUB", version 1Optimized for simplicity and velocity by directly addressing the spindles (S1: Leading spindle,S2: Following spindle).Programming CommentN1000 PROC LANG_SUB DISPLOF SBLOFN2100 IF($P_SUB_AXFCT==2)K1: Mode group, channel, program operation, reset response9.17 Replacing functions by subprogramsBasic FunctionsFunction Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2 635