DB21, ...DBX33.4 Block search activeEdge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: CyclicallySignal state 1 The block search function is active.It was selected from the operator interface and started using the interface signal:DB21, ... DBX7.1 (NC Start)Signal state 0 Search target found.Application exam‐ple(s)The block search function makes it possible to jump to a certain block within a part program and tostart processing the part program from this block.Additional references See Section "K1: Mode group, channel, program operation, reset response (Page 455)"DB21, ...DBX33.5 M02/M30 activeEdge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: CyclicallySignal state 1 ● NC block with M02 or M30 (or M17 if a subprogram was started) is completely processed; iftraversing motions are also programmed in this block, the signal is only output when the targetposition is reached.● The program was interrupted as a result of a reset, and the program status changes to "Aborted".● When MDI mode or machine functions REF or PRESET are selected● According to DB10 DBX56.2 (acknowledge emergency stop)Signal state 0 ● No program end or program abort● Status after activation of control● Start of an NC ProgramScreen00FKDQJHVLJQDO 3/&F\FOHWLPH,600DFWLYH1&EORFNZLWK0%ORFNSURFHVVHG'DWDWUDQVIHUWRZRUNLQJPHPRU\Z1: NC/PLC interface signals19.6 Mode group, channel, program operation, reset response (K1)Basic Functions1616 Function Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2