9.8.5 Selfacting SERUPROSelfacting SERUPROThe channel-specific function "Self-acting SERUPRO" allows a SERUPRO sequence withouthaving to previously define a search target in a program of the associated SERUPRO channels.In addition, a special channel, the "serurpoMasterChan", can be defined for each "Self-actingSERUPRO". A search target can be defined in this channel.The "Selfacting SERUPRO" function supports the SERUPRO cross-channel block search.FunctionThe "SelfActing SERUPRO" operation cannot be used to find a search target. If the searchtarget is not reached, no channel is stopped. In certain situations, however, the channel isnevertheless stopped temporarily. In this case, the channel will wait for another channel.Examples are: Wait marks, couplings, or axis replacement.Wait phase occurs:During this wait phase, the NC checks whether the channel "seruproMasterChan" has reacheda search target. If no search target is reached, the Wait phase is left.If the search target is reached,the SERUPRO operation is also ended in the channel. The "seruproMasterChan" channelmust have been started in normal SERUPRO mode.No wait phase occurs:"Self-Acting SERUPRO" is ended by M30 of the part program.The channel is now in Reset state again.A SERUPRO approach does not not take place.Starting a group of channelsIf a group of channels is only started with "SelfActing SERUPRO", then all channels are endedwith "RESET".Exceptions:A channel waits for a partner channel that has not been started at all.A cross-channel block search can be carried out as follows:● Via the HMI, the user selects the channels that must work together (channel group).● The user chooses an especially important channel from the channel group for which hewants to select a search target explicitly (target channel).● The HMI will then start SERUPRO on the target channel and "SelfActing SERUPRO" in theremaining channels of the channel group.The operation is complete if each channel concerned has deleted "seruproActive"."Selfacting SERUPRO" accepts no master channel on another NCU.K1: Mode group, channel, program operation, reset response9.8 Block search Type 5 (SERUPRO)Basic FunctionsFunction Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2 511