ParameterizationMaximum path deviationThe maximum path deviation permitted with G642/G643 is set for each axis in the machinedata:MD33100 $MA_COMPRESS_POS_TOLContour tolerance and orientation toleranceThe contour tolerance and orientation tolerance are set in the channel-specific setting data:SD42465 $SC_SMOOTH_CONTUR_TOL (maximum contour deviation)SD42466 $SC_SMOOTH_ORI_TOL (maximum angular deviation of the tool orientation)The settings data can be programmed in the NC program and can in this way be specifieddifferently for each block transition.NoteThe setting data SD42466 $SC_SMOOTH_ORI_TOL is effective only in active orientationtransformation.Rounding behaviorRounding behavior with G642 and G643 is configured via the machine data:MD20480 $MC_SMOOTHING_MODE (rounding behavior with G64x)The units positions (E) define the behavior for G643, the tens positions (Z) the behavior forG642:Value E or Z Meaning0 All axes:Rounding by maintaining the maximum permitted path deviation:MD33100 $MA_COMPRESS_POS_TOL1 Geometry axes:Rounding by maintaining the contour tolerance:SD42465 $SC_SMOOTH_CONTUR_TOLRemaining axes:Rounding by maintaining the maximum permitted path deviation:MD33100 $MA_COMPRESS_POS_TOL2 Geometry axes:Rounding by maintaining the orientation tolerance:SD42466 $SC_SMOOTH_ORI_TOLRemaining axes:Rounding by maintaining the maximum permitted path deviation:MD33100 $MA_COMPRESS_POS_TOLB1: Continuous-path mode, Exact stop, Look Ahead4.3 Continuous-path modeBasic FunctionsFunction Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2 193