State Description40 The axis is programmed by the NC program, NC internal error50 Permanently assigned PLC axis. Traverses (JOG) or is referencing60 Permanently assigned PLC axis. Channel status does not permit a startCause of the error on the NC side100 Incorrect position programmed for axis/spindle (corresponds to alarm 16830)101 Programmed speed is too high102 Incorrect value range for constant cutting rate (corresponds to alarm 14840)104 Following spindle: Illegal programming (corresponds to alarm 22030)105 No measuring system available (corresponds to alarm 16770)106 Axis positioning still active (corresponds to alarm 22052)107 Reference mark not found (corresponds to alarm 22051)108 No transition from speed control to position control (corresponds to alarm 22050)109 Reference mark not found (corresponds to alarm 22051)110 Velocity/speed is negative111 Setpoint speed == zero112 Invalid gear stage115 Programmed position has not been reached117 G96/G961 is not active in the NC118 G96/G961 is still active in the NC120 Axis is not an indexing axis (corresponds to alarm 20072)121 Indexing position error (corresponds to alarm 17510)125 DC (shortest distance) not possible (corresponds to alarm 16800)126 Absolute value minus not possible (corresponds to alarm 16820)127 Absolute value plus not possible (corresponds to alarm 16810)128 No transverse axis available for diameter programming (corresponds to alarm 16510)130 Software limit switch plus (corresponds to alarm 20070)131 Software limit switch minus (corresponds to alarm 20070)132 Working area limit plus (corresponds to alarm 20071)133 Working area limit minus (corresponds to alarm 20071)134 Frame not permitted for indexing axis135 Indexing axis with "Hirth toothing" is active (corresponds to alarm 17501)136 Indexing axis with "Hirth toothing" is active and axis not referenced (corresponds to alarm17503)137 Spindle operation not possible for transformed spindle/axis (corresponds to alarm 22290)138 Axis: Coordinate system-specific working area plus violated (corresponds to alarm 20082)139 Axis: Coordinate system-specific working area minus violated (corresponds to alarm 20082)System error200 corresponds to alarm 450007Alarm numbers: ReferencesDiagnostics ManualP3: Basic PLC program for SINUMERIK 840D sl13.17 Block descriptionsBasic FunctionsFunction Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2 1027