Acknowledgement of FC9 only after completion of REPOS block:The ASUB can only be signaled as complete from the FC9 block with "ASUB Done" if theREPOS block has also been completed.Deselection of assigned REPOS operation after point 8:The start of the ASUB deselects the assigned REPOS operation!Therefore, the ASUB should be ended with REPOSA in order to retain the REPOS operation.Deleting an unwanted REPOS operation:The unwanted REPOS operation is deleted by completing the ASUB with M17 or RET.Special handling of ASUB:As a basic rule, an ASUB that ends with REPOS and is started from stopped state receivesspecial treatment.The ASUB stops automatically before the REPOS block and indicates this via:DB21, ... DBX318.0 (ASUB is stopped)Automatic ASUB startThe ASUB in path:/_N_CMA_DIR/_N_PROG_EVENT_SPFis started automatically in SERUPRO approach with machine data:MD11450 $MN_SEARCH_RUN_MODE, bit 1 = 1according to the following sequence:1. The SERUPRO operation has been performed completely.2. The user presses "NC start".3. The ASUB is started.4. The NC stops automatically before the REPOS part program command and themessage "Press NC start to continue the program" appears.5. The user presses "NC start" again.6. The NC executes the repositioning motion and continues the part program at the targetblock.NoteThe automatic ASUB start with MD11450 requires Starts to continue the program.The procedure is in this respect similar to other search types.K1: Mode group, channel, program operation, reset response9.8 Block search Type 5 (SERUPRO)Basic Functions496 Function Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2