Why TRC?The contour (geometry) of the workpiece programmed in the part program should beindependent of the tools used in production. This makes it necessary to draw the values forthe tool length and tool radius from a current offset memory. Tool radius compensation canbe used to calculate the equidistant path to the programmed contour from the current toolradius.7RRO3DWKRIWKHWRROFHQWHUSRLQWDWHTXDOGLVWDQFHWRWKHFRQWRXU HTXLGLVWDQWSDWK:RUNSLHFHFRQWRXUFigure 18-11 Workpiece contour (geometry) with equidistant pathTRC on the planeTRC is active on the current plane (G17 to G19) for the following types of interpolation:● Linear interpolation ... G0, G1● Circular interpolation ... G2, G3, CIP● Helical interpolation ... G2, G3● Spline interpolation ... ASPLINE, BSPLINE, CSPLINE● Polynomial interpolation ... POLY18.5.2 Selecting the TRC (G41/G42)Direction of compensationTRC calculates a path, which is equidistant to the programmed contour. Compensation canbe performed on the left- or righthand side of the programmed contour in the direction of motion.Command SignificanceG41 TRC on the lefthand side of the contour in the direction of motionG42 TRC on the righthand side of the contour in the direction of motionG40 Deselection of TRCW1: Tool offset18.5 Tool radius compensation 2D (TRC)Basic FunctionsFunction Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2 1403