N40 $TC_DP12[1,1]= 1.0 ; Wear L1N50 _CORVAL[0] = 0.333N60 t1 d1 g17 g0N70 r1 = settcor(_CORVAL, "G", 0, 0, 2)N80 t1 d1 x0 y0 z0 ; ==> MCS position X0.000 Y0.000Z1.333N90 M30_CORCOMP is 0, therefore, the coordinate value of the geometry component acting in the Zdirection must be replaced by the offset value 0.333. The resulting total tool length is thus L1= 0.333 + 1.000 = 1.333Example 2N10 def real _CORVAL[3]N20 $TC_DP1[1,1] = 120 ; Milling toolN30 $TC_DP3[1.1] = 10.0 ; Geometry L1N40 $TC_DP12[1,1]= 1.0 ; Wear L1N50 _CORVAL[0] = 0.333N60 t1 d1 g17 g0N70 r1 = settcor(_CORVAL, "W", 0, 1, 2)N80 t1 d1 x0 y0 z0 ; ==> MCS position X0.000 Y0.000Z11.333N90 M30_CORCOMP is 1, therefore, an offset value of 0.333 acting in the Z direction is added to thewear value of 1.0.Therefore, the resulting total tool length is L1 = 10.0 + 1.333 = 11.333.18.13 Tool lengths L1, L2, L3 assignment: LENTOAXLENTOAX functionThe "LENTOAX" function provides information about the assignment of tool lengths L1, L2and L3 of the active tool to the abscissa, ordinate and applicate. The assignment of abscissa,ordinate and applicate to the geometry axes is affected by frames and the active plane (G17- G19).Only the geometry component of a tool ($TC_DP3[x,y] to $TC_DP5[x,y]) is considered, i.e. adifferent axis assignment for other components (e.g. wear) has no effect on the result.The "LENTOAX" function is a predefined subprogram. It must, therefore, be programmed in aseparate block.Syntax:Status = LENTOAX(_AXIND, _MATRIX, _COORD)W1: Tool offset18.13 Tool lengths L1, L2, L3 assignment: LENTOAXBasic FunctionsFunction Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2 1531