The M function is selected with the index of machine data MD10715$MC_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE[] in which the M function to be replaced has beenparameterized:MD10718 $MC_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE_PAR = NoteFor an M function replacement with transfer of information via system variable, the addressextension and function value of the M function must be programmed as constant values.Permissible programming:● M● M=● M[]=Illegal programming:● M=● M[]=ProgrammingRules for replacing M functions:● The replacement subprogram is called at the block end● Within the replacement subprogram, no M functions are replaced● In an ASUB, the M function is also replaced if the ASUB was started within the replacementsubprogram.M functions that cannot be replacedThe following M functions trigger system functions as pre-defined auxiliary functions and mustnot be replaced by a subprogram:● M0 ... M5● M17, M30,● M19● M40 ... M45● M98, M99 (only for MD18800 $MN_MM_EXTERN_LANGUAGE ≠ 0)User-specific M functions parameterized via machine data must also not be replaced by asubprogram as they also trigger system functions.Machine data MeaningMD10714 $MN_M_NO_FCT_EOP M function for spindle active after RE‐SETMD10804 $MN_EXTERN_CHAN_M_NO_SET_INT M function for ASUB activation (exter‐nal mode)K1: Mode group, channel, program operation, reset response9.17 Replacing functions by subprogramsBasic FunctionsFunction Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2 619 PreviousNext |