machine control panel blocks. Mutual locking of the axis selections for equally assigned axesfor 2 machine control panels is not supported.Flexible axis configurationIt is possible to be flexible in the assignment of axis selections or direction keys for machineaxis numbers.Better support is now provided by the MCP blocks for the use of two MCPs, which are to runin parallel, in particular for an application using two channels and two mode groups. Note thatthe axis-numbers are also specified in the parameterized mode group number of the MCPblock in the axis tables of the relevant MCP.To provide this flexibility, tables for axis numbers are stored in DB10.For the first machine control panel the table starts at byte 8 (symbolic name:MCP1AxisTbl[1..22]) and for the second machine control panel starting at byte 32 (symbolicname: MCP2AxisTbl[1..22]) for the second MCP. The machine axis numbers must be enteredbyte-wise here.It is permissible to enter a value of 0 in the axis table. Checks are not made to find illegal axisnumbers, meaning that false entries can lead to a PLC Stop.For FC19, the maximum possible number of axis selections can also be restricted. This upperlimit is set for the first Machine control panel in DB10.DBW30 (symbolic name: MCP1MaxAxis)or for the second Machine control panel in DB10.DBW54 (symbolic name: MCP2MaxAxis) set.The default setting is 0, corresponding to the maximum number of configured axes. The axisnumbers and the limit can also be adapted dynamically. Afterwards, a new axis must beselected for FC19. Axis numbers may not be switched over while the axes are traversing therelevant direction keys.The compatibility mode is preset with axis numbers 1 to 9 for both MCPs and restricted to theconfigured number of axes.ExampleMore than nine axes are to be controlled with FC19 using a special application. We recommendthat you proceed as follows:● Reserve free key on MCP.● Evaluate this key as a flipflop.● Evaluate the flipflop output as pos. and neg. edge.● For a positive edge write one set of axis numbers in the axis table (DB10) and switch onLED via this key● For a negative edge write a different set of axis numbers in the axis table (DB10) and switchoff LED via this key.Declaration of the functionFUNCTION FC19: VOID //symbolic name: MCP_IFMP3: Basic PLC program for SINUMERIK 840D sl13.17 Block descriptionsBasic Functions1032 Function Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2