EditorThe editor makes it possible to create, edit, extend, join, and import programs/texts/programblocks.Exact stopWhen an exact stop statement is programmed, the position specified in a block is approachedexactly and, if necessary, very slowly. To reduce the approach time, → exact stop limits aredefined for rapid traverse and feed.Exact stop limitWhen all path axes reach their exact stop limits, the controller responds as if it had reachedits precise destination point. A block advance of the → part program occurs.External zero offsetZero offset specified by the → PLC.Fast retraction from the contourWhen an interrupt occurs, a motion can be initiated via the CNC machining program, enablingthe tool to be quickly retracted from the workpiece contour that is currently being machined.The retraction angle and the distance retracted can also be parameterized. An interrupt routinecan also be executed following the fast retraction.Feed overrideThe programmed velocity is overriden by the current velocity setting made via the → machinecontrol panel or from the → PLC (0 to 200%). The feedrate can also be corrected by aprogrammable percentage factor (1 to 200%) in the machining program.Finished-part contourContour of the finished workpiece. See → Raw part.Fixed machine pointPoint that is uniquely defined by the machine tool, e.g. machine reference point.Fixed-point approachMachine tools can approach fixed points such as a tool change point, loading point, palletchange point, etc. in a defined way. The coordinates of these points are stored in the controller.The controller moves the relevant axes in → rapid traverse, whenever possible.GlossaryBasic Functions1686 Function Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2