03,'3'3++81&.(WKHUQHW0&30&3'35352),%86SURMHFWIRU0&3++8&3'VOLQW3/&Figure 13-15 PROFIBUS connectionRelevant parameters (FB1)MCP HHUMCPNum = 1 or 2 (number of MCPs) HHU = 5 (via CP 840D sl)MCP1In MCP2In BHGInMCP1Out MCP2Out BHGOutMCP1StatSend (n.r.) MCP2StatSend (n.r.) BHGStatSendMCP1StatRec MCP2StatRec BHGStatRecMCP1BusAdr MCP2BusAdr BHGInLenMCP1Timeout MCP2Timeout BHGOutLenMCP1Cycl (n.r.) MCP2Cycl (n.r.) BHGTimeout (n.r.)MCPMPI = FALSE BHGCycl (n.r.)MCP1Stop MCP2Stop BHGRecGDNoMCPBusType = b#16#33 BHGRecGBZNo (n.r.)BHGRecObjNo (n.r.)MCPSDB210= FALSE BHGSendGDNo (n.r.)MCPCopyDB77 = FALSE BHGSendGBZNo (n.r.)BHGSendObjNo (n.r.)BHGMPI = FALSEBHGStopMCP failure normally switches the PLC to the STOP state. If this is undesirable, OB 82, OB86 can be used to avoid a stop. The basic program has, as standard, the OB82 and OB86 call.FC5 is called in these OBs. This FC5 checks whether the failed slave is an MCP. If this is thecase, no PLC stop is triggered. Setting "MCPxStop" := TRUE causes the basic program todeactivate the MCP as a slave via SFC12. If the PLC does not switch to the stop state followingthe failure or fault of the MCP, an alarm message will be generated via the basic program. Theinterrupt is deleted when the station recovers.P3: Basic PLC program for SINUMERIK 840D sl13.10 Structure and functions of the basic programBasic FunctionsFunction Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2 873