UHIHUHQFHSRLQWFUHHSYHORFLW\PD[GLVWDQFHWRUHIHUHQFHPDUNUHIHUHQFHSRLQWDSSURDFKYHORFLW\6WDUWLQJSRVLWLRQRIWKHPDFKLQHD[LV 5HIHUHQFHFDP9HORFLW\=HURPDUN'LVWDQFH0'0$B5()3B0$;B0$5.(5B',670'0$B5()3B9(/2B6($5&+B0$5.(50'0$B5()3B9(/2B6($5&+B&$0Figure 15-6 Synchronization with falling reference cam edgeCase 2: Synchronization with rising reference cam edgeDuring synchronization with rising reference cam signal edge, the machine axis acceleratesto the parameterized reference point approach velocity against the parameterized referencepoint approach direction (traversing direction of the Phase 1):● MD34020 $MA_REFP_VELO_SEARCH_CAM (reference point approach velocity)● MD34010 $MA_REFP_CAM_DIR_IS_MINUS (reference point approach in minus direction)After leaving the reference cam, the machine axis decelerated to standstill:DB31, ... DBX12.7 == 0The machine axis then travels back to the reference cam at the parameterized reference pointcreep velocity:MD34040 $MA_REFP_VELO_SEARCH_MARKER (reference point creep velocity)After reaching the reference cam (DB31, ... DBX12.7 = 1), the machine axis waits for the nextencoder zero mark.As soon as the encoder zero mark is detected, Phase 2 comes to an end. The machine axiscontinues at constant velocity and reference point approach is continued with Phase 3.UHIHUHQFHSRLQWFUHHSYHORFLW\PD[GLVWDQFHWRUHIHUHQFHPDUNUHIHUHQFHSRLQWDSSURDFKYHORFLW\6WDUWLQJSRVLWLRQRIWKHPDFKLQHD[LV 5HIHUHQFHFDP9HORFLW\=HURPDUN'LVWDQFH0'0$B5()3B0$;B0$5.(5B',670'0$B5()3B9(/2B6($5&+B0$5.(50'0$B5()3B9(/2B6($5&+B&$0Figure 15-7 Synchronization with rising reference cam edgeElectronic reference cam shiftThe electronic reference cam shift is used to compensate for expansions of the reference camcaused by temperature so that synchronization is always to the same encoder zero mark:R1: Referencing15.5 Referencing with incremental measurement systemsBasic Functions1162 Function Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2