System variable Meaning$P_AD[11] Cut direction$P_AD[24] Clearance angleNoteThe data is always modified with respect to the corresponding tool parameters($TC_DP2[..., ...] etc.) if the function "cutting data modification for rotatable tools" was activatedusing the command CUTMOD and a toolholder that can be orientated, which causes a rotation,is activated.18.7.9 ExampleThe following example refers to a tool with tool nose position 3 and a toolholder that can beorientated, which can rotate the tool around the B axis.The numerical values in the comments specify the end of block positions in the machinecoordinates (MCS) in the sequence X, Y, Z.Program code CommentN10 $TC_DP1[1,1]=500N20 $TC_DP2[1,1]=3 ; Length of cutting edgeN30 $TC_DP3[1,1]=12N40 $TC_DP4[1,1]=1N50 $TC_DP6[1,1]=6N60 $TC_DP10[1,1]=110 ; Holder angleN70 $TC_DP11[1,1]=3 ; Cut directionN80 $TC_DP24[1,1]=25 ; Clearance angleN90 $TC_CARR7[2]=0 $TC_CARR8[2]=1 $TC_CARR9[2]=0 ; B axisN100 $TC_CARR10[2]=0 $TC_CARR11[2]=0 $TC_CARR12[2]=1 ; C axisN110 $TC_CARR13[2]=0N120 $TC_CARR14[2]=0N130 $TC_CARR21[2]=XN140 $TC_CARR22[2]=XN150 $TC_CARR23[2]="M"N160 TCOABS CUTMOD=0N170 G18 T1 D1 TCARR=2 X Y ZN180 X0 Y0 Z0 F10000 ; 12.000 0.000 1.000N190 $TC_CARR13[2]=30N200 TCARR=2N210 X0 Y0 Z0 ; 10.892 0.000 -5.134N220 G42 Z–10 ; 8.696 0.000 –17.330W1: Tool offset18.7 Cutting edge data modification for tools that can be rotatedBasic Functions1480 Function Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2