Auxiliary and G functionsThe auxiliary and G functions have the following characteristics:● Transfer to the PLC is block-synchronous (referred to a part program block)● Transfer is acknowledge-driven.● The acknowledgement times have an immediate effect on the execution time of NC blockscontaining auxiliary functions requiring acknowledgement.The value range is presented in the table below:Function Structure Value range Data type1. Value 2. Value 1. Value 2. Value 1. Value 2. ValueG function G function 2551) ByteM word M group M word 99 99.999.999 Word DWordS word Spindle no. S word 6 Floatingpoint2)Word DWordT word Magazineno.T word 99 65535 Word WordD word - D word 99 255 Byte ByteH word H group H word 99 FloatingpointWord DWordF word Axis no. F word 18 FloatingpointWord DWord1) relative number, transferred for each G group2) corresponding STEP 7 format (24-bit mantissa, 8-bit exponent)The M, S, T, H, D and F values sent by the NCK are output together with the accompanyingchange signals to the CHANNEL DB interface via the auxiliary/G functions (see List Manual).The function value and the extended address are transferred to the appropriate data word.The accompanying modification signal is activated to 1 for one PLC cycle. When themodification signal is reset, the acknowledgement is passed to the NCK. Theacknowledgement of high-speed auxiliary functions is given by the basic program immediatelythe basic program detects the auxiliary function.In addition to distribution of the auxiliary and G functions, selected signals are processed asdescribed below.M decoderM functions can be used to transfer switching commands and fixed-point values. Decodeddynamic signals are output to the CHANNEL DB interface for standard M functions (range M00- M99) signal length = 1 cycle time).P3: Basic PLC program for SINUMERIK 840D sl13.10 Structure and functions of the basic programBasic Functions852 Function Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2