Example: Channel axis gapChannel axis B is not assigned a machine axis in the following example.&KDQQHOD[LVJDS&KDQQHO&KDQQHOQWKFKDQQHOD[LVWKFKDQQHOD[LVWKFKDQQHOD[LVWKFKDQQHOD[LVWKFKDQQHOD[LVUGFKDQQHOD[LVQGFKDQQHOD[LVVWFKDQQHOD[LVWKFKDQQHOD[LVWKFKDQQHOD[LVWKFKDQQHOD[LVWKFKDQQHOD[LVWKFKDQQHOD[LVUGFKDQQHOD[LVQGFKDQQHOD[LVVWFKDQQHOD[LV&KDQQHO&KDQQHOQ&KDQQHOD[LVQDPH 0DFKLQHD[HVXVHG>@ ಯ;ರ>@ ಯ<ರ>@ ಯ=ರ>@ ಯ$ರ>@ ಯ%ರ>@ ಯ8ರ>@ ಯ9ರ>@ ಯರ>@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ >@ 0'0&B$;&21)B0$&+$;B86('>Q@>P@0'0&B$;&21)B&+$1$;B1$0(B7$%>Q@>P@1&8Figure 10-6 Axis configuration with channel axis gap (excerpt)Special situations: Channel axis gapsRegarding channel axis gaps, the following also have to be taken into account:● Channel axes without assigned machine axes (channel axis gaps) are, regarding thenumber and indexing of the channel axes, treated just like normal channel axes withassociated machine axes.● If a channel axis without assigned machine axis (channel axis gap) is defined as geometryaxis, then this is rejected without an alarm.10.2.11 Link axesMeaningA link axis is a machine axis that is not on the NCU from which it is traversed. The name of alocal machine axis is not entered in the machine data for the logical machine axis image of thetraversing NCU, but the NCU and machine axis name of the NCU to which it is physicallyconnected.As an example, machine axis AX1 of NCU2 should be traversed from NCU1:● NCU1: MD10002 $MN_AXCONF_LOGIC_MACHAX_TAB[n] = NC2_AX1RequirementThe NCUs involved must be connected using link communication as a requirement for usinglink axes. The link axes and link communication functions are described in detail in:K2: Axis Types, Coordinate Systems, Frames10.2 AxesBasic FunctionsFunction Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2 677