Signals to PLC axisDB3800...3807 Signals to PLC axis [r/w]Data block PLC → NCK interfaceByte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0DBB3000 Start posi‐tioning axisStart spin‐dle posi‐tioningStart spin‐dle rotationStart spin‐dle oscilla‐tion- - - -DBB3001 - - Stop spin‐dle rotationStop spin‐dle oscilla‐tion- - - -DBB3002 Automaticgear selec‐tionConstantcutting rateDirection ofrotation asfor M4- HandwheeloverrideTraversingdimension,inches (notmetric)Distancecondition,shortestdistance(DC)Distancecondition,incremen‐tal (IC))DBB3003 Indexingposition- - - - - Distancecondition,abs. pos. di‐rection(ACP)Distancecondition,abs. neg. di‐rection(ACN)DBD3004 Position (REAL, with indexing axis: DINT)DBD3008 Feedrate velocity (REAL), if < 0, the value is taken from machine data POS_AX_VELOThe bits of the distance conditions and the direction of rotation definition define the particularpositioning or traversing mode, only one of the bits must be set:Meaning Distance condition to be setPositioning absolute No mode bit setPositioning incremental DBB3002.0 = 1Positioning shortest distance DBB3002.1 = 1Positioning absolute, positive approach direction DBB3003.1 = 1Positioning absolute, negative approach direction DBB3003.0 = 1Direction of rotation as for M4 DBB3002.5 = 1The remaining bits are used to specify and start the particular function, these function bits aswell as position and velocity are explained in more detail for the individual functions.Signals from PLC axisDB3900...3907 Signals from PLC axis [r]Data block PLC → NCK interfaceByte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0DBB3000 Positioningaxes activePositionreached- - - Error whiletraversingAxis cannotbe startedDBB3001 - - - - - - - -DBB3002 - - - - - - -DBB3003 Error numberP4: PLC for SINUMERIK 828D14.6 Function interfaceBasic Functions1126 Function Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2