Writing ACC and reading $AA_ACC in a part program:IF (RO <> $MA_MAX_AX_ACCEL[X] * 0.5) ; checkingSETAL(61000)ENDIFWriting ACC and reading $AA_ACC in a synchronized action:WHEN TRUE DO ACC[X]=25 R0=$AA_ACC[X] ; writing and readingG4 F1IF (RO <> $MA_ MAX_AX_ACCEL[X] * 0.25) ; checkingSETAL(61001)ENDIFend-of-motion criterion for single axesSimilar to the block change criterion for path interpolation (G601, G602, G603) the end-of-motion criterion for traversing motion of individual axes can be programmed in part programs /synchronized actions:Program command End-of-motion criterionFINEA[] "Exact stop fine"COARSEA[] "Exact stop coarse"IPOENDA[] "Interpolator stop" (IPO stop)The most recently programmed value is kept after the end of program or NC reset.The effective end-of-motion criterion can be read using the axis-specific system variable$AA_MOTEND.NoteDepending on whether the system variable $AA_MOTEND is read in the part program orsynchronized action, it contains the value for the NC axes or the main run axes.Example:Part program:N80 G01 POS[X]=100 FA[X]=1000 ACC[X]=90 COARSEA[X]Synchronized action:N100 EVERY $A_IN[1] DO POS[X]=50 FA[X]=2000 ACC[X]=140 IPOENDA[X]References:For further information on block changes and end-of-motion criteria for FINEA, COARSEA andIPOENDA, see:Function Manual, Extended Functions; Positioning Axes (P2), Section: Block changeV1: Feedrates17.4 Feedrate controlBasic Functions1356 Function Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2 PreviousNext |