● Geometry axes always form a perpendicular Cartesian coordinate system● Special axes form a coordinate system without any geometrical relation between the specialaxes.● The names of the geometry axes and special axes can be defined.● The workpiece coordinate system can be translated, rotated, scaled or mirrored withFRAMES (TRANS, ROT, SCALE, MIRROR).Multiple translations, rotational movements, etc., are also possible.Zero offset externalThe zero offset external has the following properties:● At a time defined in the PLC, a predefined additional zero offset between the basic and theworkpiece coordinate systems is activated.● The magnitudes of the offsets can be set by the following for each of the axes involved:– PLC– Operator Panel– Part program● Activated offsets take effect at the instant the first motion block of the relevant axes isprocessed after offset activation. The offsets are superimposed on the programmed path(no interpolation).The velocity, at which the zero offset external is applied, is as follows:Programmed F value plus +1/2 JOG velocityThe zero offset external is traversed at the end of G0 blocks.● The activated offsets are retained after RESET and end of program.● After POWER ON, the last active offset is still stored in the control but must be reactivatedby the PLC.10.1.3 FramesA frame is a closed calculation rule (algorithm) that translates one Cartesian coordinate systeminto another.Frame componentsA frame consists of the following components:Frame components Programmable with:Offset Coarse offset TRANSATRANS (additive translation component)CTRANS (work offset for multiple axes)G58 (axial work offset)Fine offset CFINEG59 (axial work offset)K2: Axis Types, Coordinate Systems, Frames10.1 Brief descriptionBasic Functions664 Function Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2