Meaning of footnotes1) If tool management is active, neither a T change signal nor a T word is output to the interface(channel).2) The type for the values can be selected by the user via MD22110 $MC_AUX‐FU_H_TYPE_INT.3) Because of the limited display options on the operator panel screens, the REAL type valuesdisplayed are restricted to:–999 999 999.9999 to 999 999 999.9999The NC calculates internally but with complete accuracy.4) The REAL values are rounded and output to the PLC when setting the machine data:MD22110 $MC_AUXFU_H_TYPE_INT = 1 (type of H-auxiliary functions is an integer)The PLC user program must interpret the value transferred according to the machine datasetting.5) If the tool management is active, the meaning of the address extension can be parameter‐ized. Address extension = 0 means the value must be replaced by that of the master spindlenumber, i.e. it is equivalent to not programming the address extension.Auxiliary functions M19 "Position spindle" collected during a block search are not outputto the PLC.6) M6: Range of values of the address extension:- without tool management: 0 ... 99- with tool management: 0 ... maximum spindle number0: to be replaced by the value of the master spindle number or master toolholder7) If tool management is active, the auxiliary function M6 "Tool change" can only be program‐med once in a part program block, irrespective the address extensions that are program‐med.8) Maximum number of auxiliary functions per part program block.8.2 Predefined auxiliary functionsFunctionEvery pre-defined auxiliary function is assigned to a system function and cannot be changed.If a pre-defined auxiliary function is programmed in a part program/cycle, then this is output tothe PLC via the NC/PLC interface and the corresponding system function is executed in theNCK.H2: Auxiliary function outputs to PLC8.2 Predefined auxiliary functionsBasic Functions384 Function Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2