"Save" stores the variable list under a path, which is already specified. If the project path isnot known, then the procedure is as for "Save As...."."Save As..." displays a window in which the path for the project to be stored can be specified.Printing a projectThe "Print" command under the "Project" menu item can be selected to print a project file. Thenumber of lines per page is selected under the "Print Setting" menu item. The default settingis 77 lines.Edit menu itemThe following operator actions are examples of those, which can be carried out directly withthis menu item:● Transfer variables● Delete variables● change alias names● Find variablesThese actions can also be canceled again under Edit.Undoing actionsOperator actions relating to the creation of the project file (transfer variables, delete variables,change alias names) can be undone in this menu.NC variables menu itemThe basic list of all variables is saved in NC Var Selector path Data\Swxy (xy stands forsoftware version no., e.g. SW 5.3:=xy=53). This list can be selected as an NC variables list.In case of SINUMERIK 840D sl the basic lists are present in the path Data\Swxy_sl.P3: Basic PLC program for SINUMERIK 840D sl13.16 Basic conditions and NC VAR selectorBasic Functions908 Function Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2