Modal G code (G340, G341), which defines the subdivision of the movement into individual blocks fromthe start point to the end point6WUDLJKWOLQHRUFLUFOH,QIHHGPRYHPHQW6WUDLJKWOLQHFLUFOHRUKHOL[0DFKLQLQJSODQH **3 33 3',6&/ ',6&/33 33 33Figure 18-17 Sequence of the approach movement depending on G340/G341G340: The approach characteristic from P0 to P4 is shown in the figure.If G247 or G347 is active (quadrant or semicircle) and start point P3 is outside themachining plane defined by the end point P4, a helix is inserted instead of a circle.Point P2 is not defined or coincides with P3.The circle plane or the helix axis is determined by the plane, which is active in the SARblock (G17 - G19), i.e., the projection of the start tangent is used by the following block,instead of the tangent itself, to define the circle.The movement from point P0 to point P3 takes place along two straight lines at thevelocity valid before the SAR block.G341: The approach characteristic from P0 to P4 is shown in the figure.P3 and P4 are located within the machining plane, with the result that a circle is alwaysinserted instead of a helix with G247 or G347.NoteActive, rotating frames are included in all cases where the position of the active plane G17 -G19 (circle plane, helix axis, infeed movements perpendicular to the active plane) is relevant.DISRDISRSpecifies the length of a straight approach line or the radius of an approach arc.Retraction/approach with straight linesOn approach/retraction along a straight line, DISR specifies the distance from the cutter edgeto the start point of the contour, i.e., the length of the straight line with active TRC is calculatedas the total of the tool radius and the programmed value of DISR.W1: Tool offset18.5 Tool radius compensation 2D (TRC)Basic Functions1412 Function Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2