DB21, ...DBX384.0 Control program branchingEdge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated:Signal state 1 GOTOS in the part program initiates a return to the program start. The program is then processedagain.Signal state 0 GOTOS initiates no return. Program execution is continued with the next part program block afterGOTOS.Corresponding to ... MD27860 $MC_PROCESSTIMER_MODE (activation of the program runtime measurement)MD27880 $MC_PART_COUNTER (activation of workpiece counters)19.6.5 Signals to axis/spindle (DB31, ...)DB31, ...DBX10.0 REPOSDELAYEdge evaluation: no Signal(s) updated: CyclicallySignal state 1 The REPOS offset of the axis is first applied with its next programming.Signal state 0 There is no REPOS offset.Special cases,errors, ......The signal is not relevant for path axes.Corresponding to ... DB21, ... DBX31.0 - DBX31.2 (REPOS mode)DB31, ... DBX70.2 (REPOSDELAY acknowledge)DB31, ... DBX72.0 (REPOSDELAY)19.6.6 Signals from axis/spindle (DB31, ...)DB31, ...DBX70.0 REPOS offsetEdge evaluation: no Signal(s) updated: cyclicSignal state 1 oredge change0 → 1A REPOS offset must be applied for the appropriate axis.Signal state 0 oredge change1 → 0No REPOS offset need be applied for the appropriate axis.Corresponds to .... DB31, ... DBX70.1 (REPOS offset valid)DB31, ...DBX70.1 REPOS offset validEdge evaluation: no Signal(s) updated: cyclicSignal state 1 oredge change0 → 1The range of validity of the REPOS offset is indicated with the value 1.The REPOS offset was calculated to be valid.Z1: NC/PLC interface signals19.6 Mode group, channel, program operation, reset response (K1)Basic FunctionsFunction Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2 1627