17.6 Data lists17.6.1 Machine data17.6.1.1 NC-specific machine dataNumber Identifier: $MN_ Description10651 IPO_PARAM_THREAD_NAME_TAB Name of the interpolation parameters for convexthreads10704 DRYRUN_MASK Activation of dry run feedrate10710 PROG_SD_RESET_SAVE_TAB Setting data to be updated11410 SUPPRESS_ALARM_MASK Mask for suppressing special alarms11550 STOP_MODE_MASK Defines the stop behavior12000 OVR_AX_IS_GRAY_CODE Axis feedrate override switch, graycoded12010 OVR_FACTOR_AX_SPEED Evaluation of the axis feed override switch12020 OVR_FEED_IS_GRAY_CODE Path feed override switch, graycoded12030 OVR_FACTOR_FEEDRATE Evaluation of the path feed override switch12040 OVR_RAPID_IS_GRAY_CODE Rapid traverse override switch, graycoded12050 OVR_FACTOR_RAPID_TRA Evaluation of the rapid traverse override switch12060 OVR_SPIND_IS_GRAY_CODE Spindle override switch, graycoded12070 OVR_FACTOR_SPIND_SPEED Evaluation of the spindle override switch12080 OVR_REFERENCE_IS_PROG_FEED Override reference velocity12082 OVR_REFERENCE_IS_MIN_FEED Defining the reference of the path override12090 OVR_FUNCTION_MASK Selection of override specifications12100 OVR_FACTOR_LIMIT_BIN Limit for binarycoded override switch12200 RUN_OVERRIDE_0 Traversing with override 012202 PERMANENT_FEED Fixed feedrates for linear axes12204 PERMANENT_ROT_AX_FEED Fixed feedrates for rotary axes17.6.1.2 Channel-specific machine dataNumber Identifier: $MC_ Description20100 DIAMETER_AX_DEF Geometry axes with transverse axis functions20150 GCODE_RESET_VALUES Initial setting of the G groups20172 COMPRESS_VELO_TOL Maximum permissible deviation from path feed for com‐pression20200 CHFRND_MAXNUM_DUMMY_BLOCKS Empty blocks with phase/radii20201 CHFRND_MODE_MASK Behavior for chamfer/rounding20750 ALLOW_GO_IN_G96 G0 logic for G96, G96121200 LIFTFAST_DIST Traversing path for fast retraction from the contourV1: Feedrates17.6 Data listsBasic FunctionsFunction Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2 1359