Machine data Value RemarkMD24570 $MC_TRAFO5_AXIS1_1[2] = 1.0 First rotary axis is parallel to ZMD24572 $MC_TRAFO5_AXIS1_2[0] = 0.0 DirectionMD24572 $MC_TRAFO5_AXIS1_2[1] = 1.0 Second rotary axis is parallel to YMD24572 $MC_TRAFO5_AXIS1_2[2] = 0.0MD25574 $MC_TRAFO5_BASE_ORIENT_1[0] = 0.0MD25574 $MC_TRAFO5_BASE_ORIENT_1[1] = 0.0 Basic tool orientationMD25574 $MC_TRAFO5_BASE_ORIENT_1[2] = 1.0 In Z directionTemperature compensation values in the NC programThe compensation values assigned to axes X and Z are not zero and are applied fortemperature compensation with respect to tool length. The machine axis positions reached ineach case are specified as comments in the program lines.Program code Comment$SC_TOOL_TEMP_COMP[0] = -0.3 ; Compensation value in X$SC_TOOL_TEMP_COMP[1] = 0.0 ;$SC_TOOL_TEMP_COMP[2] = -1.0 ; Compensation value in Z; Position setpoints of the machineaxesN10 G74 X0 Y0 Z0 A0 B0 ; X Y ZN20 X20 Y20 Z20 F10000 ; 20.30 20.00 21.00N30 TRAORI() ; 20.30 20.00 21.00N40 X10 Y10 Z10 B90 ; 11.00 10.00 9.70N50 TRAFOOF ; 10.30 10.00 11.00N60 X0 Y0 Z0 B0 C0 ; 0.30 0.00 1.00N70 M30With the exception of block N40, temperature compensation always acts in the originaldirections, as the tool is pointing in the basic orientation direction. This applies particularly inblock N50. The tool is actually still pointing in the direction of the X axis because the B axis isstill at 90 degrees. However, because the transformation is already deactivated, the appliedorientation is parallel to the Z axis again.Machine data Value RemarkMD20390 $MC_TOOL_TEMP_COMP_ON = TRUE Temperature compensation activeMD32750 $MA_TEMP_COMP_TYPE[ AX1 ] = 4 Compensation in tool directionMD32750 $MA_TEMP_COMP_TYPE[ AX2 ] = 4 Compensation in tool directionMD32750 $MA_TEMP_COMP_TYPE[ AX3 ] = 4 Compensation in tool directionAdditional referencesFor more details on "Temperature compensation" see:References:Function Manual Extended Functions; Compensations (K3)W1: Tool offset18.10 Special handling of tool compensationsBasic FunctionsFunction Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2 1497