NoteFor further explanations regarding the block search, see Section "Behavior during blocksearch (Page 418)."Subsequent actionsAfter completion of a block search, the following subsequent actions may occur:● Type 1 - Type 5: Automatic Start of an ASUBWhen the last action block is activated, a user program can be started as an ASUB.● Type 1 - Type 4: Cascaded block searchA further block search with a different target specification can be started from "Search targetfound".9.7.1 Description of the functionBasic sequence for type 2 or type 41. User: Activation of the block search type 2 or type 4 (block search with calculation to ...)via the operator interface2. Search for the target block with collection of auxiliary functions3. Stop after "Search target found ⇒ display of alarm 10208 "Continue program with NC start"4. User: NC start to execute the action block s⇒ DB21, ... DBX7.1 = 1 (NC start)5. Execution of the action blocks6. Last action block is activated ⇒ Automatic start of /_N_CMA_DIR/_N_PROG_EVENT_SPF(default) as an ASUB.7. Last ASUP block (REPOSA) is activated ⇒ DB21, ... DBX32.6 = 1 (last action block active)8. Optional: Execution of user-specific requirements via PLC user program9. Display of the alarm 10208 "Continue program with NC start"?10.User: Continue program with NC start ⇒ DB21, ... DBX7.1 = 1 (NC start)Search target not foundIf the search target is not found, alarm 15370 "Search target not found during block search" isdisplayed and the block search is canceled.K1: Mode group, channel, program operation, reset response9.7 Block search, types 1, 2, and 4:Basic Functions480 Function Manual, 01/2015, 6FC5397-0BP40-5BA2