97English[SNMP v3] [USER][USER NAME]:Enter the user name of SNMP v3.[PERMISSION]:Select whether to obtain only information via SNMPv3 or to both obtain information and make thesetting.[SECURITY LEVEL]:Select the security level for SNMP v3.[AUTHENTICATION PROTOCOL]:Select the authentication method for SNMP v3 fromSHA1 and MD5.[AUTHENTICATION PASSWORD]:Set the authentication password of SNMP v3.[PRIVACY PROTOCOL]:Select the encryption method for SNMP v3 fromAES and DES.[PRIVACY PASSWORD]:Set the encryption password of SNMP v3.[TRAP SETTINGS][TRAP]:Select the SNMP version to use when sendingTRAP.[COMMUNITY/USER]:Select COMMUNITY/USER to use when sendingTRAP.When SNMP v1/v2c is selected as a SNMP versionof TRAP, the COMMUNITY 1/2 setting is used.When SNMP v3 is selected, the USER1/2 settingis used.[TRAP ADDRESS][ADDRESS]:Set the IP address of the SNMP manager that givesnotice of TRAP.[PORT]:Set the TRAP reception port number of the SNMPmanager that gives notice of TRAP.[TRAP OPTIONS][POWER]:TRAP is sent if the unit enters the standby mode by“Power management”, [No signal power off] or [Noactivity power off].[NO SIGNAL]:TRAP is sent if no-signal continues in the followingconditions.When set to [ENABLE(5min)]:TRAP is sent if no-signal continues for 5 minutes.When set to [ENABLE(No signal error timing)]:TRAP is sent if no-signal error set with [Setup] –[Information timing] occurs. (see page 81)[TEMPERTURE]:TRAP is sent if the temperature error occurs.[AUTHENTICATION]:TRAP is sent if the SNMP authentication fails.[FATAL SHUTDOWN]:TRAP is sent if a fatal error that requires the powerto be forcibly turned off occurs. However, all the fatalerrors do not necessarily support TRAP.Note● The maximum number of characters that can beused for a community name is 32 with one-bytealphanumeric characters.● The maximum number of characters that can be usedfor a user name and password is 32 with one-bytealphanumeric characters.Note that the password must be set with 8 charactersor more.● Change the password periodically, and set one whichis difficult to guess.● The SNMP manager must be operating in the systemconfiguration used.● For MIB (Management Information Base) of this unit,see the web site below.https://panasonic.net/cns/prodisplays● For the settings of the SNMP manager, consult withthe network administrator.