113EnglishNote● The operations of the single playback mode and thesynchronized playback mode are different from thoseof Single Media Player and Multi Media Player of theexisting USB media player.● For playback in the synchronized playback mode,approx. 5 seconds of preparation time are added inswitching content.● To perform the synchronized playback with multipledisplays, set the [Synchronize display] function to[On], and set the same time for all the displays forplayback.● If the time is not synchronized correctly with[Synchronize display] set to [On], the unit may notoperate properly. Confirm the operation conditions of[Synchronize display]. (see page 71)● If [Multi display settings] - [Multi screen display]is specified in the schedule data of “ContentManagement Software”, the setting is switched tothe specified multi screen display. The setting of[Multi screen display] cannot be changed during thespecified schedule playback. When the specifiedschedule has finished, the setting of [Multi screendisplay] is restored to the state before setting.■ Caption displayA caption is displayed at the time set for the scheduledata.Note● The caption is displayed on top of an image.● A maximum of 600 characters can be displayed withcaption.● Scrolling of the caption may stop at switching timingof content playback or music playback.● The caption is hidden by switching input. If the inputis switched with the schedule playback function, thecaption display continues.Also, if the schedule playback function is resumed,the caption is displayed from the beginning.● Changing the settings of [OSD language], [Displayorientation] or [Image rotation], or displaying thedisplay ID/display name will delete the caption beingdisplayed.● When creating schedule data, if a caption with manycharacters is displayed with [Scroll] set to [No], thecharacters will run over on the screen.● The caption does not synchronize with other displayseven if [Play mode] is [Synchronize play].■ Disabled functionsThe following main unit’s functions are set to [Disable(Off)] during schedule play mode.● [Set up timer]● [Screensaver]● “Power management” function● [No signal power off]● [HDMI-CEC settings]● [No activity power off]● [Menu transparency]● [Image settings] (Reading user image is disabled.)● [Input search]● [Initial input]● [Input lock]● [Failover/Failback]Note● Disabled functions are greyed out on the on-screenmenu. Also, serial commands are in [ER401] state(Including the inquiry command).● During schedule play mode, disabled functionsare set to [Disable (Off)], and those operations areforcibly stopped.● If schedule play mode has finished by removingthe USB memory, etc., the disabled functions arerestored to the original setting values.● For [Multi display settings] – [Multi screen display],only [Horizontal scale], [Vertical scale] and [Location]can be set. [Bezel H adjustment] and [Bezel Vadjustment] cannot be set.● [Multi display settings] – [Multi input display] cannotbe set to [On] during schedule play mode. Also,[Schedule play function] cannot be set to [Enable]when [Multi display settings] – [Multi input display] isset to [On].■ Resume playSets the operation when the schedule playback isrestored again after schedule play mode is stoppedonce.When set to [On]:The previous content before schedule play mode isstopped is played back from the beginning.When set to [Off]:The playlist scheduled to be played back at thecurrent time is played back from the beginning.Note● When playback is scheduled in the synchronizedplayback mode, the playback is performed accordingto the set time in both [On] and [Off] cases.