VarName R/W Type DescriptionProgress R int This variable is set to 0 when ameasurement is started. It is in-creased once when the measurementis in progress. And it is increaseonce when the data has been eval-uated. Thus you can wait untilthis variable becomes 2 before re-trieving the data using the GetPlotDefault command. In repeat modethe variable is not reset to 0. Thusthe next measurement will be avail-able if the variable becomes 4.WavelengthStart R/W double Start wavelength in nm.WavelengthStop R/W double Stop wavelength in nm.WavelengthStep R/W double Step size in nm.AutoResolution R/W int Turns the automatic resolutionon/off (1/0).Resolution R/W double Resolution in nm.PowerResolution R/W double Resolution of Power trace in nm. 0= Default.TLSPower R/W double TLS power in mW.AutoGain R/W bool Auto gaining on/off (1/0).UseReference R/W bool Use reference measurement on/off(1/0).CurrentGain R/W int Current gain setting. Allowed val-ues are 0..13Properties R string Dumps the properties which are at-tached to the last measurement.UseInternalRef R/W bool Internal optical reference path isused (Yes) or not (No). It is rec-ommended to leave this value set toYes.KeepRawData R/W bool Raw data are embedded in thePBIN files (Yes) or not (No). Em-bedding raw data enables offlinepost processing but increases filesize.LastEvalError R/W int Result of last evaluation. See Er-ror Codes (section 15.3) for possiblevalues.11.10 Target PERTestThe target name PERTest* will select the component test application.A simple pseudo program controlling the component test applicationcould be as follows:DECLARE STRING PERPolNav_SendCommand("PERTest*","Activate")PolNav_SendCommand("PERTest*","Set Wavelength,1550")PolNav_SendCommand("PERTest*","Set Mode,2")PolNav_SendCommand("PERTest*","StartMeasurement")WAIT 4000PolNav_SendCommand("PERTest*","SetPER")98 A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide