DeActivateDeactivates the Instrument/Application.Get VarNameRetrieves the content of a variable. See table below for available variables.Set VarName,ValueSets the value of a variable. See table below for available variables.Dir TargetNameReturns the available target names. Dir without any parameter willreturn all available target names. Dir PolCon* will return all targetnames beginning with PolCon.Echo XYZSends the characters ”XYZ” as response. This is can be used to test thecommunication.TestData nReturns sample plot data for debugging purposes. The response isa string which is formatted like a spreadsheet consisting of rows andcolumns. Columns are separated by a ”,”. Rows are separated by a LF(ASCII code 10). The number of rows is defined by the parameter n.11.5 Target GlobalThe target name Global will select global variables such as the versionnumber of the polarizationNAVIGATORTM.Variables: VarName R/W Type DescriptionVersion R string Retrieves the version string of thepolarizationNAVIGATORTMSnpTitle R/W string The title field which is included inthe saved PBIN files.SnpComment R/W string The comment which is included inthe saved PBIN files.SnpOperator R/W string The name of the operator which isincluded in the saved PBIN files.11.6 Target PolarimeterThe target name Polarimeter* will select the first polarization analyzerfrom the browser tree.The following commands are available:ContinuousCommands:Activates the Continuous Oscilloscope mode. In this mode, the polarime-ter will be retriggered after finishing a measurement.OneshotActivates the Oneshot Oscilloscope mode. In this mode, the polarimeterwill be triggered only once.TraceActivates the Trace mode. In this mode, the polarimeter samples with asampling rate of 2.5 kHz. If the parameter TraceSensitivity is set to0, every incoming data point will be used. If TraceSensitivity is setto a value greater than zero, only data points are stored if the SOP hasbeen changed by more than the value indicated by TraceSensitivity. IfA1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide 89