Attribute DescriptionOperation Defines the operation.multiply : multiplies the accumulator with thevalue between the tags.divide : divides the accumulator by the valuebetween the tags.add : adds the value between the tags to the ac-cumulator.sub : subtracts the value between the tags fromthe accumulator.log : calculates the natural logarithm from theaccumulator.log10 : calculates the logarithm to the basis 10from the accumulator.pow : let V be the value between the tags, thenV Accumulator will be calculated.13.10 Command Reference: Document Property ValuesPredefined Properties:PropertyNameDescriptionToday The current time/date.DestFilename The name of the destination file.SourceFilename The name of the source file.TotalPages The total number of pages. Only valid if theCountPages entry in the Info block is set to ”yes”.Refer to chapter Info node (section 13.3.1) ) fordetails.PMD Measurement (.pbin-files):Property Name DescriptionDate The date/time the measurement wastaken.SNPolarimeter Serial number of the polarimeter.PolNavVersion Version of the Polarization Navigator.WavelengthStartDesired Start wavelength in nm.WavelengthStopDesired Stop wavelength in nm.SweepRateMain Sweep rate in nm/s.Resolution Resolution in nm.AutoResolution Resolution mode: 1=auto, 0=manual.UseLambdaLogging Lambda-Logging mode: 1=on, 0=off.PMD PMD Value in ps.AvrgPDL Average PDL in dB.Loss Average transmission coefficient. Ei-ther in linear scale or in mW dependingon the measurement mode.SOP Measurement (.pbin-files):A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide 119