Synchronized to Loop Clock External TimebaseIn this configuration the Axxx is synchronized to the loop clock. Switch-ing occurs on the rising edge of the signal applied to the trigger input #1.The look-up-table pointer is reset to the beginning when trigger input #2is made logical high for at least 100 μs.A3xxxLoop ControlTriggerInput #2TriggerInput #1"Loop Load" "Loop Clock"PC InputPC Output5.3 A3XXX Polarization Controller Software SettingsWhen the A3xxx is activated by clicking on the polarization controllersymbol, three (four in case of the A3300) sub-items named Sequence,Manual and Scramble appear below the symbol. These sub-items repre-sent dialog bars which can be shown by double clicking on the sub-items.5.3.1 Direct Control of Waveplate PositionsBy double-clicking the Manual sub-item, a dialog is opened, containingfive sliders. Move the sliders to adjust the position of each waveplate.You can store a complete setup by pressing the CTRL key while clickingon a memory button of the control-bar. Simply click on the desiredmemory button to recall the setup. Note: The software remembers thesetups even when it is restarted.A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide 29