Background.pngThis command places an image named ”Background.png” located in thesame directory as the template file on the top left corner of every pageand scales it to the page width and page height.13.4Command Reference: Placing Text13.4.1< t >< /t >Examples:Hello WorldHello WorldHello WorldPrints the text at the current cursor position.AttributeDescriptionAligncenter: The text will be horizontally centered.Linefeedyes: A linefeed is performed at the end. no: Nolinefeed is performed at the end (default).13.4.2< p >< /p >Examples:
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World
Prints the text at the current cursor position and does a linefeed after-wards.AttributeDescriptionAligncenter: The text will be horizontally centered.Linefeedyes: A linefeed is performed at the end (default).no: No linefeed is performed at the end.13.4.3< Space/ >Example:HelloWorldPrints a single space.13.4.4< F ont >< /F ont >Hello World
Hello WorldHello WorldabgDefines the appearance of the fontA1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide109