Hello World < P ushP os/ > saves the current position on the position stack.< P opP os/ > recalls the current position from the position stack.13.5.6 < P ageBreak/ >Examples:Begins a new page.Attribute DescriptionOrientation tt portrait: Portrait format (default).tt landscape: Landscape format.Paper Defines the paper size. Valid values are: a4, a3,a5, legal, letter.13.6 Command Reference: Placing Data from the Document13.6.1 < DocP aram/ >Examples:Retrieves property values from the current document and writes themusing the specified format onto the page.Without any attributes, the command prints a list of available propertiesand their values. If you define a tab position using < T abSet/ >, thevalues will be horizontally aligned.Usually, a property name is specified using the Name attribute. See chap-ter Document Property Names (section 13.10) ) for a complete list ofavailable properties.Attribute DescriptionName The name of the desired property.Format A C-style format string defining how the data willbe formatted. An empty value indicates a string.%.3f Floating point value with 3 decimal digits.%.3g Floating point value with 3 significant dec-imal digits. Variable format.%d Integer value (signed).%u Integer value (unsigned).StopChar Defines a character which terminates the output.Only used with strings.112 A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide PreviousNext |