angle(float)Parameters:Rotation angle in rad9.3.5 *POLCON:SEQSETSets a new programmable scrambling sequence based on the values writ-ten previously into the buffer memory. To set up the values for a newsequence, write the rotation angle values for each waveplate into thebuffer memory using the commands BUFALLOC and BUFW. The num-ber of sequence elements must be a multiple of the number of controlelements (nPolConRot) of the polarization controller otherwise an erroris returned.*POLCON:SEQSETSyntax:*{ErrorCode}Results:9.4 Polarimeter control commands9.4.1 *POLMET:RESETResets the polarimeter and sets all measurement parameters to their de-fault values.*POLMET:RESETSyntax:*{ErrorCode}Results:9.4.2 *POLMET:STARTStarts a new polarimeter acquisition using the current measurement pa-rameters. The measurement type is determined by the indicated modeparameter*POLMET:START SOPSyntax:*{ErrorCode}Results:9.4.3 *POLMET:STATE?Returns the current polarimeter acquisition status, including number ofsamples taken, trigger state and polarimeter errorcode.*POLMET:STATE?Syntax:*{ErrorCode},{data sampled},{trigger state}, {polarimeter errorcode}Results:data sampled(int)Parameters:Number of samples taken so fartrigger state(int)Current polarimeter trigger status (see variable TriggerState (section10.2) )polarimeter errorcode(int)Current polarimeter error status (see Error Codes (section 15.3) forexplanation)78 A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide