clicking on the corresponding entry in the browser or by clicking in theWindows menu or by pressing CTRL+F6 one or more times.NOTE: The gallery is not stored on the harddisk. You have to click onSave or Save As to save the measurement of the top-most window.6.1.8 The Poincar´e ViewAs described before, you can chose different views for the same measure-ment data. One of these views is the Poincar sphere window. You canrotate the sphere by clicking onto the sphere and dragging the mousewith the left mouse button held down. The tool buttons on the left sideof the main window have the following functions:• Show Gallery Measurements – Displays all measure-ments of the gallery in the same sphere.• Line/Point Display – Toggles between line-mode (allSOPs are connected by lines) and point mode (each SOPis displayed as isolated point).• Show Marker – Displays stored markers (see next button)• Store Marker – Adds the current SOP to a list of markers.If more than one marker is stored, the angular differenceis displayed on the right side of the window. Markers arecleared if another display tab (graph view) is chosen.• Clear All Markers - Clears the list of markers• Show PER - The polarization extinction ratio (PER) oflight in a PMF can be determined by creating circle trajec-tories on the Poincar´e sphere. This can be done in Real-time mode by either changing the wavelength or by slightlystretching or twisting the PMF. When you see the circletrajectory press this button to calculate the PER. Press thebutton again to remove the displayed PER.These buttons may not always be shown. You can toggle this Graph Barfrom the View.6.1.9 Graph ViewsGraph views are used to display the normalized Stokes parameters, theDOP and the power versus time. Use the mouse to zoom into the plotby clicking and dragging. Double-click the graph area to reset the zoom.Double-click the trace to set the axis properties. By this you can manuallyset the axis ranges. The buttons to the top right of the window have thefollowing functions:• Autoscale X-Axis - Chooses the optimum X-scaling to displaythe whole plot.• Autoscale Y-Axis – Chooses the optimum Y-scaling to displaythe whole plot.• Include Zero – When autoscaling is active, the Y-scaling is chosento include 0.• Show/Hide Comment – Toggles a Window containing informa-tion about the measurement. In the polarimeter application thereare currently no informations shown here.• Add Marker – Creates a Marker for the current measurement.38 A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide