8.6 Polarimeter Control VIsThe following VIs are used to control and readout the polarimeter (appli-cable to A1xxx and A2xxx). For a complete polarimeter demo applicationsee Demo VIs (section 8.7.2) .8.6.1 MIP PolarimeterMeasStartThis VI is used to start a new polarimeter measurement. The measure-ment parameters (e.g. sampling rate, number of samples, etc.) used forthe data acquisition are stored in the variable tree structure and can bechanged prior using the VI MIP CommonVariableSet.Input parameters: Device descriptor, measurement modeOutput parameters: Device descriptor, Error codeMeasurement mode• IDLE (currently running measurement is stopped)• SOP (measurement results are returned as 4-element Stokes param-eters)• SOPCONTINUOUS (time-continuous measurement is started;please ensure to pick up all results in appropriate time intervals toprevent data loss due to internal ring buffer structure)A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide 69