You will then be prompted to enter the server name, i.e. its IP address, ifyou connected using the IP address or the instruments name, containingthe instrument type and the serial number of the instrument (e.g. A2000-04400001) if you connected using the instruments name. In addition youcan choose the screen resolution (640x480 is the native resolution of theinstrument). After pressing Connect you have to press space or a mousebutton to gain control of the remote instrument. You then are promptedwith the remote login screen and have to login as administrator.User: AdministratorPassword: sphere314You can create a link like thishttp://x.x.x.x/AdaptifRL/?Server=x.x.x.x&AutoConnect=1&FS=1to skip the configuration screen, where x.x.x.x is the IP address or thename of the remote instrument.3.3.3 Remote File Access3.3.4 Rebooting the Remote SystemYou can force a reboot of the remote instrument by pressing CTRL-ALT-END in the remote session and then select Shut Down→Restart.3.4 Recovery ConsoleThe AXXXX-B3/R3 instruments provide an emergency recovery tool. Ifthe system is corrupted, you can connect a keyboard to the instrumentand press ESC during the boot process. You will be prompted to do sowhile still in text mode. You can then choose the adaptif PHOTONICSRecovery Console from the boot menu and will be guided through therecovery process. This recovery tool will only recover the C:\ drive,i.e. the system drive. It will reset the polarizationNAVIGATORTMto the version the instrument has been delivered with. Therefore thepolarizationNAVIGATORTM may prompt you for updating the instru-ments firmware, if you have performed any updates. You may have tore-apply the corresponding update after the recovery. The D:\ drive,which contains your measurements will not be modified during the re-covery.A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide 23