5.3.3 Sequence OperationThe sequence mode is activated by double-clicking the Sequence sub-itemof the A3XXX instrument. The sequence mode is very similar to thescrambling mode except that a customizable sequence is uploaded to theinstrument. The sequence has to be stored in an ASCII file with decimalnumbers ranging from 0 to 2π. Each row represents an entry of thelook-up-table, each of the five columns represents a waveplate position.By pressing the Load Sequence button the ASCII file is opened, thewaveplate settings are transferred to the instrument and the sequence isstarted. All other functionality is similar to the scrambling mode. Youcan find some sample sequences in the Examples\DemoSequences A3XXXsubfolder of the polarizationNAVIGATORTM folder.5.4 A3300 Polarimeter OperationThe A3300 instrument is able to perform all polarimeter operations de-scribed for A1XXX and A2XXX (section ??) instruments.5.5 A3000 Polarization StabilizationIn addition to the sequence, manual and scramble modes described before(section 5.3) , the A3000 can be used to generate a fixed output SOP,even with varying input SOPs. By choosing the Stabilize sub-item of anactive A3000 instrument, the settings for the stabilizer can be accessed.By pressing the Settings button, several control parameters of the SOPcontroller (section 5.7) can be modified.By clicking the Stabilize check mark, the controller can be stopped orresumed. When the Criterion is set to ”Internal” (section 5.7) , thecontroller generates a fixed, stable output SOP. When it is set to ”AnalogIn”, an appropriate external signal has to be provided and the A3000 willoptimize the output SOP with respect to this feedback signal.5.6 A3300 Polarization StabilizationIn addition to the sequence, manual and scramble modes described before(section 5.3) , the A3300 can be used to generate specific output SOPs,even with varying input SOPs. By choosing the SOP Stabilize sub-itemof an active A3300 instrument, the settings for the SOP stabilizer can beaccessed. By default a list of four SOPs is shown, which can be replacedwith an arbitrary list of SOPs by pressing the Import button. The im-ported file is expected to contain one normalized Stokes vector per line,with spaces or tabs as separators between the vector components. Youcan find some sample sequences in the Examples\DemoSOPTables A3300subfolder of the polarizationNAVIGATORTM folder. By clicking the WPcheckbox, the corresponding waveplate angles are shown instead of theStokes vectors.By setting the appropriate check marks, the target SOPs can be shown(Show Target SOPs, red dots), as well as the SOPs actually generatedA1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide 31