4 Basic Operation A1XXX/A2XXX4.1 Activating the A1XXX/A2XXXWhen the polarizationNAVIGATORTM is started it will not automat-ically perform any measurements. The browser window will show anicon for each adaptif PHOTONICS instrument or supported externalinstrument (e.g. tunable laser sources) that has been either added byusing the Configuration Wizard or added and configured manually. Agreen arrow indicates that the instrument is activated, i.e. commu-nication has been established. Before using the instrument with thepolarizationNAVIGATORTM it has to be activated.There are two ways to activate an instrument. It can be activated directlyor an application can be opened, which will then activate the requireddevices automatically.Double-click on an instrument to activate it (or click on activate in itscontext menu). The polarizationNAVIGATORTM can activate instru-ments automatically at startup. To use this feature, check Activate OnStartup in the instruments context menu. After activation, a green arrowshould appear on the icon of the instrument and the polarimeter of theA1XXX/A2XXX continuously measures the polarization state (SOP) ofthe received light. Sub-items appear below the A1XXX/A2XXX entryrepresenting different views of the acquired data.Double-click on an application to open it. The PMD/PDL/Loss-Application, for instance, will activate a supported tunable laser sourceand adaptif PHOTONICS instruments for polarization analysis and po-larization control (e.g. an A2000 or a combination of an A1000 and anA3200). If any of the instruments required for the specific application ismissing, there will be an error message and the application won’t open.When using an AXXXX-B3/R3 instrument you just choose the Polarimeter-Application from the top button row.After activating the device as described above, refer to section Applica-tion: Polarimeter (section 6.1) for a detailed description of the polarime-ter functions of the instruments (A1000 / A2000).Refer to section Application: PDL/PMD (section 6.2) for a detaileddescription of the functions (A2000 / A1000 + A3xxx) for measuringPMD and PDL.Refer to section Application: PER/PMF Crosstalk (section 6.4) for a de-tailed description of the functions (A1000 / A1200 / A2000) for measuringthe polarization extinction ratio in a polarization maintaining fiber andfor measuring the splicing angle between two polarization maintainingfibers.Note that a proper light source has to be connected to the instrumentfor performing measurements.A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide 25