LiNbO3 PolarizationControllerContinuouslyTunableLaser SourcePolarimeterDUTLaser Input(SMF)Laser Output Output(SMF)Polarimeter Input(SMF)Personal ComputerUSBA2000GPIBGPIBTriggerInput(BNC)TriggerOutput(BNC Connectorat Mainframe)TunableLaserSourceDUTLaser Input(SMF)Laser Output Output(SMF)Polarimeter Input(SMF)Personal ComputerUSBLiNbO3 PolarizationControllerA3200/A3000PolarimeterA1000TriggerInput(BNC)TriggerOutput(BNC)TriggerInput(BNC)USBGPIBGPIBTriggerOutput(BNC Connectorat Mainframe)6.3 Application: PDL/PMD (Stepped)Use this application for PDL/PMD stepped measurements. It uses astepped sweep of the tunable laser source (TLS) to measure the followingparameters versus wavelength:• PDL, ”Best Case” SOP (i.e. SOP with the maximum transmissioncoefficient, denoted ”PDLPSP”)• Pmin/Pmax• Power/Loss• DGD, PSP, second-order PMD (denoted ”PMD2nd”)See Measurement Setup Using the A2000 (section 6.2.9) or MeasurementSetup Using the A1000/A3XXX (section 6.2.10) for details on how toconnect the DUT and the trigger cables.6.3.1 Performing a non-referenced measurementConnect the DUT and enter the desired settings (see below). Then pressthe ”Single Measurement” button or the ”Repeat Measurement” button.6.3.2 Performing a referenced measurementConnect a patchcord to the DUT ports and perform a reference mea-surement by pressing the ”Take Reference” button. Then connect the48 A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide