6.2 Application: PDL/PMDUse this application for PDL/PMD sweep measurements. It uses a con-tinuous sweep of the tunable laser source (TLS) to measure the followingparameters versus wavelength:• PDL, ”Best Case” SOP (i.e. SOP with the maximum transmissioncoefficient, denoted ”PDLPSP”)• Pmin/Pmax• Power/Loss• DGD, PSP, second-order PMD (denoted ”PMD2nd”)See Measurement Setup Using the A2000 (section 6.2.9) or MeasurementSetup Using the A1000/A3XXX (section 6.2.10) for details on how toconnect the DUT and the trigger cables.Shown in this section are screenshots of the polarizationNAVIGATORTMsoftware running in the Integrated PC Mode, which is used for instru-ments of the Axxx-B3/R3 series. When clicking buttons from the top rowin this mode, the button columns to the right will change. Sometimesthere are more function buttons than the number of available slots in therespective row or column. In that case there will be a button labeledmore, which will replace the row/column with another set of buttons.If the polarizationNAVIGATORTM is running on a desktop or notebookPC with adaptif PHOTONICS instruments connected to it, it will berunning in External PC Mode, which basically supports the same func-tions with a slightly different screen layout. Sections of screenshots fromthe polarizationNAVIGATORTM in the External PC Mode are shown forspecific functions as well.Before starting a measurement you should check or set the measurementparameters.6.2.1 Application Setup ParametersDefines the start of the wavelength sweep.Start wavelength (nm):Defines the stop of the wavelength sweep.Stop wavelength (nm):Defines the nominal sweep rate of the laser. Note, that the number ofSweep rate (nm/s):data points changes with the sweep rate since the sampling rate is con-stant. The resulting number of samples are shown in the field ”Samples”.Defines the optical output power of the laser source.Laser Power (dBm):Sets up the power dynamic range of the measurement. A dynamic rangeDynamic Range (Low/Med/ High): of approximately 20dB can be achieved within a single laser sweep.Higher dynamic ranges can be achieved by performing several sweepswith different input amplifier gain settings.Shows the estimated number of samples.Samples:Shows the current gain setting of the input amplifieres (0=lowest sen-Current Gain:sitivity, 13=highest sensitivity). Each step changes the allowed opticalinput power range by approximately 3dB.Defines if the next measurement is done using the autogaining feature,Auto Gain:otherwise the measurement will be done using a fixed gain. Autogainingis recommended for DUTs with high dynamic loss range (e.g. filters).A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide 41