13.2Report TemplatesThe report templates are located in the following directory (english/germanwindows):c:/Program Files/Adaptif Photonics GmbH/Polarization Navigator/Bin/ReportTemplates/orc:/Programme/Adaptif Photonics GmbH/Polarization Navigator/Bin/ReportTemplates/You can make a copy of one of the existing .xml-files and modify itaccording to your needs.13.2.1File structureA typical template file has the following structure:3Adaptif PBIN Files, PMD-Measurementpbinno{Common Page Layout}{Pages}The ”Info” node tells the polarizationNAVIGATORTMsomething aboutthe template file (e.g.which documents can be used, which filenameextensions can be used for the source files etc.).The<UserDialog>node includes additional parameters queried from thecustomer during the report generation.The<PageTemplate>node contains commands which are processedwhenever a new page begins.The report layout itself is placed after the ”PageTemplate” section.13.3Command Reference: Main Nodes13.3.1<Info>NodeThe<Info>node tells the polarizationNAVIGATORTMsomething aboutthe template file (e.g.which documents can be used, which filenameextensions can be used for the source files etc.).A typical<Info>node looks as follows:3Adaptif PBIN Files, PMD-MeasurementpbinnoA1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide107