11.11 Target ContScramblingThe target name ContScrambling* will select the continuous scramblingapplication (see Continuous Scrambling (section 6.6) for more details).A simple pseudo program starting the scrambler could be as follows:DECLARE STRING MaxSpeedPolNav_SendCommand("ContScrambling*","Activate")PolNav_SendCommand("ContScrambling*","Set Scanrate,8")PolNav_SendCommand("ContScrambling*","Set Enable,1")MaxSpeed=PolNav_SendCommand("ContScrambling*","Get MaxSpeed")Variables: VarName R/W Type DescriptionEnable W bool Enables (1) or disables (0) thescrambling mode.IsScrambling R bool Returns the state of the scrambler:0=Off, 1=Scrambling.Scanrate R/W int Defines the scrambling speed (1-1000).MaxSpeed R double Maximum expected SOP movementrate (in rad/s).11.12 Using MATLABAs described in the chapter DLL Interface (section 11.2) , the DLLPolNavClient.dll can be used to send commands to the polarizationNAVIGATOR. Making use of this DLL is very simple if the MATLABextension (”MEX-Files”) is used which comes with the software. We rec-ommend to set a permanent path in MATLAB to the following directory(english/german windows):c:/Program Files/Adaptif Photonics GmbH/Polarization Navigator/Bin/Matlab/orc:/Programme/Adaptif Photonics GmbH/Polarization Navigator/Bin/Matlab/After having done so, you can use the following new MATLAB commands:[response,result]=MEX PolNav SendCommand(target,command)Commands:Send a command to the polarizationNAVIGATORTM and receive a stringresponse. result contains an error code.[response,result]=MEX PolNav SendCommandEx(target,command)Send a command to the polarizationNAVIGATORTM and receive plotdata. result contains an error code.Please type help MEX PolNav SendCommand or help MEX PolNav SendCommandExat the MATLAB command prompt for details of the calling parameters.Here is a simple example on how the component test application (seetarget CompTest (section 11.8) ) can be automated using MATLAB:MEX_PolNav_SendCommand(’CompTest*’,’Activate’);MEX_PolNav_SendCommand(’CompTest*’,’Set WavelengthStart,1540’);MEX_PolNav_SendCommand(’CompTest*’,’Set WavelengthStop,1550’);MEX_PolNav_SendCommand(’CompTest*’,’SingleMeasurement’);while 1100 A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide