Attribute Descriptionx x-Position in points or in percent of the pagewidth. Negative value indicate positions relativeto the right page border.y y-Position in points or in percent of the pageheight. Negative value indicate positions relativeto the bottom page border.Width The desired width of the box, either absolute orin percent. A value of paper scales the width tothe paper width.Height The desired height of the box, either absolute orin percent. A value of paper scales the height tothe paper height.Scaling The picture can be scaled using the Scaling at-tribute. Default: 1.013.8 Command Reference: Placing Measurement Table Data13.8.1 < DocP lot/ >, < IsLastRow/ >, < N extDocRow/ >, < ResetDocRow/ >Examples:The measurement plot data can be accessed using a row counter. Theinitial value of the row counter is 0.< ResetDocRow/ > resets the row counter.< N extDocRow/ > increments the row counter.< IsLastRow/ > checks if the row counter is beyond the last entryand sets the global accumulator register to TRUE (1) or FALSE (0)accordingly.< DocP lot/ > retrieves one data point and prints it as text into thedocument. The data point is identified by the plot name and the currentrow counter position. Valid plot names are:PMD measurements (.pbin-files)DGD, TE/TM, PDL, Power/Loss, SOPMD, Depol, PCD.SOP measurements (.pbin-files)Poincare, Stokes (norm), DOP, Stokes, Power.PMD measurements (.pmr-files)DGD, MaxDGD, 2nd Order PMD, PCD, Depol., DOP, Loss, Wavelength.CD measurements (.cd-files)absolute D, relative D, RGD, Slope, D/Slope, Wavelength, Frequency,No., Pass/Fail.The attributes for the < DocP lot/ > command are:A1XXX/A2XXX/A3XXX User Guide 115